Terms and conditions


Registered European Trademark: Natkits
Company name: Mas Valls SA
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona. Sheet 16210 Folio 15 Volume 1760 Book 1179 Section 2
Corporate address: Ronda Cistelleres nº 10, 46691 Vallada - Valencia
CIF: A08237208
Email: natkits@natkits.com


The User is informed and freely accepts that access to the website www.natkits.com does not in any way imply the beginning of a commercial relationship with Natkits (Mas Valls sa), which reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through it, as well as the way in which they are presented or located on its servers.
The purpose of this website is to allow users to access an online store of articles as well as to offer information about the products that are for sale and other related items.
The online store is governed by specific terms of use. In such cases, these special conditions shall apply preferentially.
However, the general rules established here must also be complied with. These general terms and conditions of contract will apply to all commercial transactions carried out through this website Natkits de Mas Valls sa
Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information and content included in it or accessible from it shall be the exclusive responsibility of the person doing so, and Mas Valls sa shall not be liable for such uses.
Mas Valls sa reserves the right to modify the legal conditions set out in this document, which will be applicable from the moment of its publication.


The User undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the website and its Contents, in accordance with applicable Legislation, these General Conditions of Use of the website, generally accepted morality and good customs and public order, and undertakes to indemnify Mas Valls sa for any damage or loss that may be caused by the use of this website, in violation of these general conditions and/or current legislation.
The User must refrain from:
• Make unauthorized or fraudulent use of this website and/or the Contents for illegal purposes or effects.
• Access or attempt to access restricted resources or areas of this website, without meeting the conditions required for such access.
• Introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the domain owner, its suppliers or third parties.
• Attempt to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the domain owner, third-party providers and other users.
• Suppress, hide or manipulate the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other identifying data of the rights of the owner of this website or of third parties incorporated into the Contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the Contents.
• Obtain or attempt to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those which, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been expressly indicated on the web pages where the Contents are located or, in general, those which are normally used on the Internet because they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of this web page and/or the Contents.
Furthermore, the client freely and unequivocally agrees to be bound by the following obligations:
• Commit at all times to providing truthful information about the data requested in the user registration or order forms, and to keep them updated at all times.
• Accept all the provisions and conditions included in these General Conditions of Contract, understanding that they reflect the best possible willingness to serve for the type of activity carried out by Mas Valls sa
• Commitment to keep your personal access keys to this website absolutely confidential and with the utmost diligence.
• Finally, the customer undertakes to facilitate delivery of the requested order by providing an address where the order can actually be delivered. Otherwise, Mas Valls sa will not be liable for any delay or impossibility of delivery of the order requested by the customer.


All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Natkits (Mas Valls sa) websites are the property of their owners and are protected by law.
This website, including the source code and the content created by its owner or its collaborators, is protected by current national and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property, with all rights reserved (copyright), so that the user is only authorized to browse through the pages for viewing for domestic use. However, if you consider or are aware that they violate intellectual or industrial property rights, please notify us as soon as possible at natkits@natkits.com
On the other hand, some terms and logos are mentioned indirectly and for informational purposes on this page, which are trademarks registered by their respective owners, and we are not responsible for any inappropriate use that third parties may make of said trademarks.


Cookies are required for the use of our website. A cookie is a small text file that is transferred to the user's computer, smartphone or tablet via the web browser. Our system transfers cookies to the permanent storage of your device when you visit our website in order to save your access data so that you do not have to re-enter them the next time you visit our website, as well as to keep active unfinished shopping carts (which have not been completed by order and have not been deleted by the user). Cookies may be temporary (or "session"), which are in use only during your visit to our website and are deleted when you close the browser, or permanent, which are kept in the permanent storage of your device when you leave the website until you delete them manually or the browser deletes them after a period of time. We use some temporary cookies to recognise you when you visit our website, but we also allow third parties, primarily Google, to use analytical cookies (both temporary and permanent) on our websites to compile aggregate information about which parts of our site users visit most frequently. This information is used to improve the content of the website and make it easier to use. We do not allow the use of other third-party cookies on our website that track browsing habits for targeted marketing purposes (or “online behavioural advertising”).
Most web browsers are set to accept both our cookies and third-party cookies. However, you can change the settings for both types of cookies to accept them, to be asked whether you want to accept or reject each cookie sent to you, or to reject all cookies completely. For the best experience on our website, we recommend that you accept both our cookies and third-party cookies. You can change your browser settings in the toolbar. If you wish to reject Google Analytics cookies, please visit the Google website (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en) and download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.
If you wish to reject our cookies, please set your browser to do so, but please note that in this case some functions of the website may not be available and your use of the site may therefore be affected.


The links are external. The owner of the website is not responsible for other websites or files that can be accessed through hypertext links (links) available within its contents, since these linked pages are the responsibility of their respective owners.
The presence of links on the website is for informational purposes only and in no case constitutes an obligation, invitation or recommendation regarding them.
This page, therefore, neither approves nor endorses the products, services, content, information, data, files and any kind of material existing on such web pages or files and does not control nor is responsible for the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the information, content and services existing on the linked sites that are external to this page.
In the event that it is deemed appropriate or that a competent body declares the data to be illegal, ordering its removal or preventing access to it, or the existence of the injury has been declared, and we have been expressly notified of the corresponding resolution, the links indicated will be immediately removed.


Without prejudice to other laws that may be applicable, users are informed that the conditions of use of this Natkits (Mas Valls sa) website are governed in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).
Furthermore, Mas Valls SA informs you that no personal data that the user may provide will be used to send commercial communications by email or electronic mail without the interested user having previously expressly and consensually authorized or requested them.

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to shop@natkits.com.